Post Offer Work Screening
Post Offer Screening involves assessing an employee's ability to perform the essential functions of more demanding jobs. Post offer screening can be a cost-effective measure for industry to reduce workplace injuries before they occur. Screening protocols are developed to simulate demanding job functions while assessing the employee's ability to meet the required demands.
Testing is performed as part of the hiring process or when an existing employee is transferring into a physically demanding position. The employees are given a conditional hired/transfer status while they undergo your new employee testing. The Post Offer Screening is integrated similarly to a physical or drug test and employment is contingent on the employee's ability to perform the job functions. Testing can be performed at your work site or within a regional clinical setting. As part of the developmental process, IMS will identify, contract, train and equip a provider for your facility. All testing data is documented and entered into a custom database established for the employer. Each test is reviewed in detail to ensure consistency in application, appropriate documentation, and that the results were provided in a timely manner.
Job Specific
Each protocol is developed following worksite assessment that identifies the essential job functions and measures the static and dynamic work requirements and inherent critical demands. The assessment is performed by a qualified and experienced evaluator.
Job Matching
Individual test components are then developed to simulate the force, posture, repetition, and duration components of each essential job demand of your specific job.
Developed to Meet Legal Standards
A summary of the test protocol and each major step of the preparation process is developed and provided for employer and legal review to ensure that the final assessment is acceptable, accurate to the duties, and legally compliant.
Data Management
Each screening process is reviewed after thirty days, six months, and again annually to ensure that the process is optimal, consistent across our providers, to determine the failure rate across your employer group and per each location. Finally, statistical rates for gender and race are reviewed to limit opportunity for discriminatory concerns. Testing protocols are modified as needs are identified or as the job functions change, and training is provided to each provider as part of the our ongoing management process.
At IMS Injury Prevention, our goal is to provide an efficient, effective, and professional process to assist you in your injury prevention measures. Contact us today to discuss our Post Offer Screening or other services, and we can provide a free cost estimate for your specific needs.